Articles in the Magazine during 2005
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Part Six - After the Shoot How to organise your images on a computer, how to deal with a faulty or corrupt memory card and a comparison of photo editing programs.
January 2005 Magazine
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Parts Seven & Eight - First Stages of Editing A two-part feature describing the first stages of basic image editing using a photograph of 47703 at Bristol Parkway.
February & March 2005 Magazines
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Part Nine - Darkening the Sky The editing process started in Part Seven continues with darkening of the sky and explanation how to use Masks in both full Photoshop and Elements.
April 2005 Magazine
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Part Ten - Finishing the Edit The editing process started in Part Seven is finished with cropping resizing and sharpening.
May 2005 Magazine
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Part Eleven - Preparing for the Web How to prepare images for display on web pages while ensuring consistent colour, a subject known as colour management.
June 2005 Magazine
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Part Twelve - (More) Darkening the Sky A common need in image manipulation is darkening the sky. Two further methods are used here which are more complex to explain but simpler to use than those used in Part Nine.
July 2005 Magazine
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Parts Thirteen & Fourteen - The Zone Approach Some images need a comprehensive set of adjustments to improve them. The ‘Zone Approach’ achieves this and for space reasons is spread across two magazines.
(August & September 2005 Magazines)
Part Fifteen - The Raw Advantage The advantages of shooting in Raw format compared to the popular Jpeg format.
October 2005 Magazine
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Part Sixteen - The Raw Advantage Continued Explains more of the advantages of shooting in Raw format and uses the example of setting the white balance in a night shot.
November 2005 Magazine
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Part Seventeen - Processing an Image using ‘RSE’ Describes how to process a raw image using the ‘Raw Shooter Essentials’ raw converter from
December 2005 Magazine